Taxi prices from Bakewell | Taxi prices from Matlock

Our prices are being updated. In the meantime, we would appreciate it if you would call the office on 07866 661188 or email and we will be happy to give you a quote.

Prices for taxis from Bakewell and Matlock can be found bellow. These are guideline prices for some popular destinations, please get in touch for other locations. To get a price and/or book a taxi use the price calculator below. For locations not listed, or to get in touch for any other reason use the quick contact form below or call 07866 661188.

taxi prices from bakewell
View of Bakewell town square.
Taxi From Bakewell

Contact Bakewell Taxi Service

Which rates apply?

The rates shown are an indication of the meter rate set by Derbyshire Dales District Council. If unsure, please get in contact with us using the form above.

Journey Start Time7am-11pm11pm-7am
Up to 4 people Monday – Saturday Rate 1Rate 2
Up to 4 people Sunday & Bank HolidaysRate 2Rate 2
From 5-8 people Monday – Saturday Rate 2Rate 3
From 5-8 people Sunday & Bank HolidaysRate 3Rate 3